Just three months after Brian Wheeler began working with the Anti-Racism Task Force at Momentum Center on behalf of GHAPS, he was asked to become a board member. The Anti-Racism Task Force at the Momentum Center works to create anti-racist activists out of Grand Haven citizens.
Brian Wheeler was a valuable board member due to his position in the school district. He had access to technology such as zoom, was willing to provide the Momentum Center with technical support, and had influence with many key GHAPS decision makers. In addition, his work with the Momentum Center was approved by GHAPS, so he was able to complete tasks for the Anti-Racism Task Force while being paid by GHAPS.
You can see the how quickly his appointment happened in this series of one-sided emails between Brian Wheeler and Momentum Center employees. (Brian Wheeler rarely returned emails.)
Accepting gifts is a conflict of interest.
Is serving as a Momentum Center board member a conflict of interest? It is according to board policy 1130 Conflict of Interest.
1130-A-2 “No staff member, officer, or agent shall use his/her position to benefit either himself/herself or any other individual or agency apart from the total interest of the School District.”
1130-A-4 “Employees, officers, and agents shall not engage in business, private practice of their profession, the rendering of services, or the sale of goods of any type where advantage is taken of any professional relationship they may have with any student, client, or parents of such students or clients in the course of their employment or professional relationship with the School District.”
1130-F “Employees, officers and agents found to be in violation of this conflict of interest policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination, as permitted by applicable Board policy.”
The assistance of both Brian Wheeler and Mary Jane Evink benefited the Anti-Racism Task Force. They are not random citizens volunteering for the Momentum Center, but GHAPS employees holding key positions who were identified by GHAPS to be liaisons. After all, the Anti-Racism Task Force requested assistance from GHAPS to further their Anti-Racism agenda. These are clear policy violations and GHAPS employees and board members who violated the policy must be held accountable.