What do kids have to look forward to these days? During Covid classes were cancelled, sports practices were cancelled, parents were getting laid off, parent’s businesses were closing. Kids took a lot of abuse. They were quarantined, forced to wear masks in gym; forced to wear masks for much longer than the rest of the population. They couldn’t plan or look forward to anything. School dances were cancelled, school was cancelled, competitions were cancelled, graduation was cancelled… Even worse, kids were told they could go, and then events were cancelled at the last minute. Kids were forced to have their breathing restricted. They were told they would kill their grandparents if they didn’t wear a mask. Now they are being told they are racist and homophobic. They are told fossil fuels will destroy the environment. They are told it is their job to save the world.
Suicide is a problem for high school students, and stress can lead to suicide. In fact, according to a recent graduate, GHAPS has the nickname “Suicide School”. Sadly, this name likely originates from the 2015-16 school year when there were 7 district suicides. This chart shows the number of teen suicide deaths in Ottawa County.
One way GHAPS works to combat suicide is through health class. While health teachers try to bring awareness to stress and suicide, they are not trained psychologists. In fact, there is a nation-wide shortage of school psychologists. Today, schools are expected to deal with the psychological issues of students, but teachers are trained to educate. Regardless, in an effort to bring about suicide awareness, the walls are covered with stress posters.
They are everywhere. This is only one. The kids had to make these stress posters for health class.
Although the intent of these posters is to raise awareness thereby reducing the suicide rate, what is the actual impact? Do the results match the stated goal of the effort? According to the chart shown above, suicides are on the rise. According to GHAPS high school officials they have done more suicide interventions this year (2021-22) than any other past year. Not only are suicide rates rising, but now it is affecting younger teens (ages 13-16).
Perhaps kids thinking about suicide has to do with purposelessness? Perhaps it has to do with seeing no future in the world today? Who isn’t stressed when their breathing is restricted and they are told they may die or kill their grandma if they don’t obey? When AOC says we have only 10 years left (to save the world from global warming) Greta Thurnbergs are created. More stress is created and thus more suicide. This is not prevention, it’s psychological abuse.
Perhaps creating posters featuring stress and stigma keeps these negative feelings active in our children’s minds? … and for kids that want to feel happy…. They probably feel guilty….. It’s no wonder kids say they feel stressed out all the time. It makes it seem as if they aren’t stressed out then there is something wrong with them.
Kids are receiving the propaganda messaging loud and clear, and suicide rates are increasing. Maybe it’s the messages that are the problem? Maybe kids need a new message. What isn’t on the walls is just as telling as what is. Where are the signs for arts, sports, or music groups? What about math or science posters? No ads for the Saturday dance! Everything is based on an agenda. There is nothing to look forward to. The walls are overloaded with overwhelming topics. Just a bunch of stuff geared toward one master plan. There is no balance. Nothing affirming on those boards that doesn’t also have a negative connotation, racial, or political bent. It is clear that the pendulum is being flung so hard to the left that we are starting to leave out the majority.
What if the message contained an element of hope? What if the message communicated fun things to do like sports competitions and field trips where all students were welcome to participate? What if the message talked about future employment opportunities from local businesses? What if the majority was celebrated along with every other identity? Or better yet…. What if ALL students were given hope and something to look forward to? What if they were taught to respect one another and help others when possible, but to be independent and take care of themselves?
We must let our kids get back to being kids and stop making them feel like it is their responsibility to save the world.