A summary email of notes from the first meeting of the DEIB Committee was sent to members.
For public consumption, the stated goal of the DEIB Committee is to ensure everyone feels like they belong at GHAPS. This is a noble goal, so it seems like techniques to improve belonging should have been discussed. For example, when I sense someone is uncomfortable, I like to introduce them to people and bring up a common interest the two people being introduced share. I like to ask people what they did last weekend, about their upcoming weekend plans or travel plans. Generic questions like “Do you have any pets? Or what sports do you enjoy? Or do you have any children?” can be great conversation starters. These simple techniques are easy to learn and very helpful in making people feel like they belong.
Why is the DEIB Committee, whose goal is to make people feel like they belong, spending so much time focusing on race? Is there something wrong with the current demographics of Grand Haven? They spent time defining the terms racism, oppression, white consciousness, white identity, white fragility, white privilege, and white supremacy. This sounds like an attack against white people. This is the opposite of making people feel like they belong.
Traditional Marxism focused on the economic classes of capitalists and proletariats, and sought to have the proletariats raise their consciousness and overthrow their capitalist oppressors. Since America has a strong middle class and traditional Marxism can’t gain traction in that reality, contemporary Marxist teachings focus on cultural targets such as race and gender, but nonetheless follow a three-pronged strategy: I-identity, I-injustice, A-activism. The DEIB Committee is focusing on “white identity”, and connecting this identity to being an oppressor. To someone sitting on the outside, it sure looks like the DEIB Committee is spreading identity politics at Grand Haven Area Public Schools.
In fact, there are numerous instances of Marxist teaching just in the above notes alone. The first element of Marxist teaching is a focus on identity. The email above states “there was an opportunity for explanation, particularly from Noele, Brian, Tracey and Tarsha.” This is interesting, because all of the afore mentioned DEIB Committee members are black. This is a clear focus on element 1 – identity.
In addition, the email above states “Three Types of Oppression: (our focus) is on racism, gender, LGBTQ+, adding ability.” Again, isn’t the stated purpose of the DEIB Committee to ensure members of the GHAPS family feel like they belong? Then why is the focus on oppression rather than belonging? The answer is clear. The focus is Marxist teaching under the guise of DEIB.
Bullet point 3 of the above email states: “Intent versus impact.” This is referring to conversations between people, and means that if one person FEELS offended because of something another person said, the person who said the offensive thing was at fault. For example, if someone enters a room and asks, “How do I look?” And you respond, “I love the way that color looks on you.” If the first person says, “are you saying that you think I look fat?” the intent-versus-impact dynamic says that you should have paid more attention to the IMPACT of your words. The INTENTION of your response is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the impact your words had on the person who felt offended. The book New Kid – A Book About Microaggressions has many much better examples of intent versus impact.
Intent versus impact is a widely understood philosophy focused on by progressives. The Michigan Department of Education LGBTQ Student Project discusses intent versus impact at the start of every meeting. Similar discussions take place during the ground rules announcements at the beginning of each Town Hall Meeting hosted by the Momentum Center’s Anti-Racism Task Force. The true purpose of intent versus impact is to create an “eggshell” environment. When nobody is sure what is acceptable and tempers fly, emotions and anxiety run wild and everyone is uncomfortable. Isn’t it ironic that they are actually creating the opposite of a feeling of belonging? It is no surprise that the GHAPS DEIB Committee would include this philosophy in their conversations.
According to the above email, members of the DEIB Committee were instructed to sign-up for A Long Talk. “A Long Talk About The Uncomfortable Truth is an Anti-Racism activation experience.” According to the website, the purpose of A Long Talk is “To erase racism and dismantle systemic oppression in America.” The mission is “To energize, activate, and empower allies in the pursuit of our shared purpose.” The process is “To engage in an ongoing conversation focused on truth, understanding, and problem solving, leading to individual and cooperative activism.” This is clearly element 3 of Marxist philosophy.
Where is the focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging? The focus appears to be on antiracism/Marxism.
Here is the invitation for the second meeting of the DEIB Committee.
Notice GHAPS teachers were instructed to “Request a Sub”. Not only is the DEIB Committee advancing Marxist concepts throughout GHAPS, but teachers are being paid to do it all while the education of students is being left to substitutes.