On August 25, 2020 Grand Haven Area Public Schools made a commitment to teach Critical Race Theory. From August 25, 2020 onward, administrators jumped in and there was no turning back.
Racial Equity Presentation
On August 25, 2020, the first day back after a long Covid shutdown, staff sat through a professional development lesson entitled Racial Equity. It was filled with discussions/videos/lectures about white privilege, systemic racism, prejudice, etc… The presenter, Hailey Barton, who runs the student group Calling All Colors, asked everyone to sign a statement vowing to do the work needed to become more anti-racist.
As part of the presentation staff were forced to watch the video Coming to Terms with Racism’s Inertia: Ancestral Accountability. The speaker begins with the question, “Who are your ancestors?” She talks about her primary white female social media following who she works to educate in their role in white supremacy. She continues in this manner hitting on many key points that work together to blame the injustices of the past onto people living today with the same physical characteristics.
Next, GHAPS staff watched a Talks at Google Search for Racial Equity video entitled Ibram X Kendi, The Heartbeat of Anti-racism, with hopes to deeply examine and understand social injustice through dialog. The guest speaker, Ibram X Kendi continued the GHAPS staff’s Critical Race Theory indoctrination.
You may remember Ibram X Kendi, as he is credited with creating the term anti-racist, and was featured in the article Anti-Racist vs Not Racist.
He believes all Americans are racists and at the 3 minute 30 second mark in the video below, he is asked to explain the difference between an anti-racist and not racist. He states “to be anti-racist is to have the willingness to admit and acknowledge and even recognize the times which we as individuals are being racist. When certainly the ways in which our society is racist and so for me, the heartbeat of racism is denial and the sound of that denial is ‘I’m not racist.’ While the heartbeat of anti-racism is confession, and the ability to say ‘yes indeed I was being racist.’”
In addition to the videos above the presentation contained short clips of the presenter, Hailey Barton, discussing Race and Equity and related Critical Race Theory topics. The entire slide presentation can be viewed below.
The push to indoctrinate GHAPS staff with Critical Race Theory has been going full steam ahead for nearly two years. This poisonous thinking will trickle down into the minds of our children and destroy our society.
In the words of Samuel Adams:
It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail. ~Samuel Adams