On any Sunday in America, about 30% of the population goes to a church or synagogue. Of the nearly 332 million Americans, approximately 69% identify as Christian. What happens at a standard worship service? In general, the congregation is greeted, there is praise and music, a prayer, the sermon, closing music, and dismissal. Some denominations incorporate traditional hymns, traditional prayers, rituals, and symbolic acts.
Today in America, there is a new religion forming, and it is quickly gaining status as a “state-sponsored” religion. Nearly all of these traditions are present in the religion of Wokeism.
The religion of Wokeism is replete with multiple denominations, including Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Anti-Racism, Transgenderism and more. The religion of Wokeism services, depending on the denomination, have music, greetings, prayers, and sermons. Wokeism has its own symbols, such as medical masks, pride flags, black power fists, etc. It has traditional prayers and recitations, which we will cover later, and it has its own prophets, such as Derek Bell, Angela Davis, and Karl Marx. While any Christian professing their faith in a political setting is countered with “separation of church and state,” adherents of the religion of Wokeism are encouraged to integrate this new religion into all aspects of public life and governance.
According to Sarah Leach, writer for the Holland Sentinel, “DEI is a value system that promotes the fair treatment and full participation of all people, particularly groups that’ve been historically underrepresented or subject to discrimination.”
According to the American Psychological Association, the definition of a value system is, “the moral, social, aesthetic, economic, and religious concepts accepted either explicitly or implicitly by an individual or a particular society.” Value systems come with a specific morality, and laws that must be followed. Adherents to the value system of DEI are adherents to a value or belief system just as in any other religion.
In Latin, the phrase Agnus dei translates to “lamb of God”. DEI in America has come to stand for something different; the acronym for diversity, equity and inclusion. When you view Wokeism as the new state-sponsored religion, it is fitting as many Americans are becoming “lambs of god DEI”.
The parallels between the new state-sponsored religion of Wokeism and Christianity are all around us. The Momentum Center in Grand Haven regularly hosts town halls on antiracism. This “church service” typically begins with the ritualistic playing of the Grand Haven DEI Statement video as a precursor to the sermon.
A previous article, Calvin Terrell - America is Built on Racism - Momentum Center, provides another example of a Momentum Center Wokeism worship service. In this town hall, Calvin Terrell was invited to give one of the guest sermons. In a traditional church service, a pastor may get up and begin by saying “let us pray,” prior to beginning a sermon. As Terrell begins his “sermon,” he opens with his equivalent “prayer” called a “land acknowledgement,” which is a statement that recognizes American land was once occupied by indigenous people.
Microsoft took the traditional prayer parallel a step further and began their service with a land acknowledgement followed by descriptions of the personal identities of the presenters, or “pastors”. Multiple sects of Wokeism incorporate opening prayers that include pronoun declaration, inclusivity statements, and land acknowledgements. Amusingly, the Microsoft presenters stated, after these ritualistic “prayers”, that the event was going to cover a few topics, “over the next ninety minutes.” That’s about the length of a typical church service.
In the May 23, 2023 Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting a public commenter began her comment with an acknowledgement, of many of the sects of Wokeism.
Perhaps the most stunningly clear example of a church of Wokeism opening prayer comes from the University of Minnesota’s Medical School White Coat ceremony from August 19, 2022. The “congregation” pledged their fealty to Wokeism through recitation of the following prayer:
“With gratitude, we the students of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Medical School class of 2026, stand here today among our friends, family, peers and mentors, and communities who have supported us in reaching this milestone. Our institution is located on Dakota land. Today, many indigenous people throughout the state, including Dakota and Ojibwe, call the twin cities home. We also recognize this acknowledgement is not enough. We commit to uprooting the legacy and perpetuation of structural violence deeply embedded within the health care system. We recognize inequities built by past and present traumas rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, the gender binary, ableism and all forms of oppression. As we enter this profession with opportunity for growth, we commit to promoting a culture of anti-racism, listening and amplifying voices for positive change. We pledge to honor all indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by western medicine. Knowing that health is intimately connected to our environment, we commit to healing our planet and communities. We vow to embrace our role as community members and strive to embody cultural humility. We promise to continue restoring trust in the medical system and fulfilling our responsibilities as educators and advocates. We commit to collaborating with social, political, and additional systems to advance health equity. We will learn from the scientific innovations made before us and pledge to advance and share this knowledge with peers and neighbors. We recognize the importance of being in community with, and advocating for, those we serve.”
Please take the time to watch this video. The congregation is reading and reciting the prayer from their pews, and the scene is indistinguishable from Sunday morning communion services.
Religion: A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. `
This article covered the DEI value system, opening prayers, and sermons, but there are so many more parallels between Wokeism and Christianity. While Christians follow God’s word rooted in the bible and seek to one day enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the teachings of Wokeism come from false prophets demanding the power and control to transform the greatest nation on Earth into a collectivist utopia free of multiple systemic oppressions. Part 2 of this two-part series will delve deeper into the parallels between antiracism, transgenderism, and Christianity.