Approximately three weeks into the school year, playgrounds were roped off and deemed unsafe at several Grand Haven elementary schools because GHAPS has not been able to adequately care for playground equipment. Children excited for recess break and eager to play with their friends now have fewer options on the playground to release their excess energy. Playground equipment needs to be replaced due to a lack of maintenance and repair. Peach Plains and Griffin playgrounds, as well as various pieces of equipment at other schools, were deemed unsafe by the district’s insurance company. Simultaneously, the school district is asking voters for nearly $500,000 to replace every elementary school playground. Do you believe the timing of these two events is a coincidence?
What’s really going on here? Could the district really not afford to maintain playground equipment? GHAPS requested a playground inspection. Why was this not addressed over the summer break? Did the school endanger our children by allowing them to play on dilapidated equipment the first month of the school year? Or did the school district need to place more pressure on parents and grandparents to get them to vote for the bond, because in May 2023, fiscally conscientious district voters voted down a $155 million bond proposal? Is this emotional blackmail involving children as pawns in a game?
It seems other community residents noticed the coincidental timing between playground equipment being deemed unsafe and the election. It generated some interesting comments on social media.
Two commenters noted this being used as a tactic in previous local election cycles. If this all feels vaguely familiar, there is a reason for that which harkens back to the partisan Federal government monetary standoff that took place a decade ago. In 2013, facing a government shutdown over the fight to pass a budget or continuing resolution, the Obama administration closed down all national parks. The Bill Clinton administration also used this tactic in the 1990s.
Back then, the Obama administration played politics with citizens’ vacation plans. Today, GHAPS appears to be playing politics with the health and happiness of children.
However, if we give the school district the benefit of the doubt, insurance company condemnation of playground equipment paints a picture of an administration that does not pay attention to detail. This incident shows the district does not prioritize property maintenance. Rather than keeping up on the maintenance of playground equipment, GHAPS allowed playgrounds to fall into a state of unsafe disrepair. Instead GHAPS is spending money on Facebook marketing and television commercials advocating for new bonds, as well as billboards along US 31 to combat declining enrollment.
This is a clear example of misplaced priorities. How can voters trust the district to maintain newly constructed facilities and to keep children safe inside the buildings when they could not even keep elementary school playgrounds safe one month into a new school year?
As the school asks for $146 million this November, ask yourself if they have shown the ability to set logical priorities and make decisions in the best interest of district children, because in some ways it looks like they care more about finding an angle to finance their dream projects.
If your child acted like this in an attempt to get their way, would you reward that behavior?