Despite there being no circumstance under which government, school officials, or the health department can tell parents they have to vaccinate their children, parents have felt pressure from these agencies to do just that. Recently, our Ottawa County Commissioners passed a resolution to help parents better understand their rights when it comes to vaccines.
It was 1986 when President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which removed vaccine manufacturer liability in civil lawsuits for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death. Since then, the number of vaccinations recommended for children has skyrocketed. It seems this legislation perversely incentivized pharmaceutical companies to develop an immunization for every malady they could think of, understanding they could possibly have it added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule. In addition, pediatricians commonly receive monetary incentives to vaccinate a certain percentage of kids in their practice, as well as to maintain a target vaccination rate.
Healthcare seems to have devolved. Is COVID really deadly, or was it the ham-fisted response and dogmatic protocols of the "experts" that resulted in the majority of COVID deaths? Did you know that the COVID survival rate of someone aged 0-19 is 99.997% according to the State of Michigan's data?
Daily car transportation is far more dangerous to people in this age group than COVID. The healthcare propagandists have created so much confusion and chaos in the world’s population, resulting in massive political and financial gain for themselves.
For 30+ years, health professionals have vaccinated for the flu. The annual flu vaccination is known to have a paltry 25-30% efficacy rate. Nevertheless, it is accepted practice that the majority of the inoculated population will still get the flu. It was also accepted that the majority of the inoculated and unvaccinated populations would survive the flu with a newfound immunity to the strain of flu for which they had.
Herd immunity occurs once a virus has made its way through a significant portion of the population. An attempt at achieving herd immunity can be demonstrated by the once common “chickenpox party.” Virologists have stated “you can’t vaccinate your way out of a pandemic.” The virus will mutate to live another day. Interestingly, being exposed to children with chickenpox used to create a natural booster for parents and the elderly that is not as easily found in the environment now. Once pharma began playing God with chickenpox vaccines, the rates of shingles increased - even in younger populations.
Children who grew up in the 1970’s received about ten vaccines. According to Michigan Vaccine Choice, kids today receive approximately 73. Despite strong evidence linking vaccines to a multitude of adverse conditions, parents are often pressured to vaccinate their children by medical professionals, school personnel, and public servants. Michigan Vaccine Choice helps parents understand the risks and their rights with respect to vaccines, and our local Ottawa County Board of Commissioners recently passed a resolution (p.64) that reinforces their commitment to ensuring parental rights are upheld, especially when it comes to vaccines.
During the August 22, 2023, Ottawa County Board of Commissioners meeting, commissioners received overwhelming support from the public in favor of this resolution. Citizens spoke about informed consent, parental rights, intimidation they had experienced, and provided personal testimonials about vaccine injury.
(38:45) Rachael Atwood said, “This isn’t anti-vax. This is pro informed consent.” She also spoke of her son’s vaccine injury, “Unfortunately, my son had an adverse reaction to the only vaccine he has ever received. It was the varicella vaccine.”
(1:38:00) Anne Henrickson spoke of intimidation. “In 1959, I was able to go to kindergarten because I got a vaccination, and that's one of the first from way back then. The doctor and my mother and father were the ones that were there, and made the decision for me to have this. [] Let's fast forward to COVID, and the intimidation that I felt, from doctors and other health officials, saying that I was spreading the disease, and what it meant to me as being elderly, as well, that I was hurting other people and hurting myself.
I'm so thankful that I had knowledge enough to make that decision for myself. I did not get the shot, and switched doctors, and asked my doctor if he would get the shot. He said “no way” because it had not been proven. [] The next thing they did after they intimidated us, [elderly] was made it clear that our children needed it; and infants needed it. I was mortified to think that a drug that they hadn't tested completely long range, was going to be given to our children.”
(1:50:16) Becka Top spoke about her vaccine injured child, “My oldest daughter was fully vaccinated. My second child was vaccine injured at four months. He was diagnosed with Kawasaki's disease which is a side effect of the rotavirus vaccine. The statistics of him contracting Kawasaki's disease are very minimal, but still he was affected. Immediately after his four-month vaccines, he came down with fevers reaching to 104.5. He was lethargic, vomiting, high-pitched screaming, and was inconsolable to be put down. We were sent home from two emergency rooms, and finally admitted to Helen DeVos Children's Hospital on day nine. He was within the 10-day window to receive IVI treatment that saved his life. He was unable to receive any vaccines following his diagnosis.
After digging into the health risks of vaccines, we made the decision to not vaccinate our third child. Not everyone can handle vaccines. My child does not pass toxins, and is unable to receive any vaccines moving forward. I trusted the government. I didn't know there was other options. I thought I was doing what was best for my child. After his vaccine injury, I read the fine print; the shorthand list they give you at the doctor's office. Side effects include death coma and seizure.”
Did you know that as of 2015, in Michigan according to the Administrative Rule 325.176 (12), parents are required to attend a vaccine waiver session at their local health department to obtain a state-issued certified waiver in order to enroll their children in schools and other activities that require vaccination? Besides being a hassle for parents, these waiver sessions are sometimes used as opportunities for public health officials to convince parents they are making the wrong decision, and to persuade parents into vaccinating their children by presenting one-sided information.
(3:45:00) Vice Chair Sylvia Rhodea spoke about the waiver sessions and recommended bringing a friend. “Attending a waiver session has sometimes been a quite intimidating process, for parents here in Ottawa County, and across the state, because it has felt that there's been a contentious relationship between Public Health officials who believe so adamantly in vaccines and promote publicly one side and not the other. Oftentimes parents who are going to these meetings have vaccine injured children. They're sometimes labeled as anti-vaxxers, but they're actually ex-vaxxers, because they did vaccinate their children, and their children were injured. [] It's important to know that if you're concerned about going to a waiver appointment, bring a buddy with you. It is totally fine to bring a friend.“
Additionally, schools and the health department spend a lot of time and money promoting vaccines. One parent who noticed, made this comment on social media, “My oldest child attends a K-12 virtual school. This was in the latest email: Immunization Records: We wanted to take a moment to remind you that every student entering Kindergarten, 7th grade & students new to PVA must have all immunizations up to date for the 23-24 school year in accordance with Michigan state law."
I have no doubt that some of the vaccines in circulation are net a positive for the American public. At the same time, I have no doubt that a larger percentage of them exist only as a cash grab. Through this proliferation of immunizations it is possible that we are playing havoc with our immune systems, and many people have come to think all of this as normal. But now our county commissioners, along with others like Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy and the organization Michigan for Vaccine Choice are speaking out about the lack of product testing and the very real dangers of vaccines.
The Ottawa County Commissioners passed this resolution with a vote of 9-2; commissioners Doug Zylstra and Roger Bergman voting against it. Commissioner Bergman stated, “I think through this process that we forget about the fact that, this is not just about me, it's about us. It's about all of us.”
Parents do have a choice. This is known as informed consent and our Ottawa County Commissioners are taking steps to inform the public and preserve that right.